Breakfast Skillet

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Quick and Easy Breakfast Skillet!

Wake up to a delicious and satisfying breakfast with this easy to make breakfast skillet. This dish is the prefect way to start your day on the right foot. Whether you’re looking for a healthy breakfast option or simply want a tasty meal to fuel your morning, this breakfast skillet recipe is sure to please.  The great thing about this recipe is how quick the clean up is! You only need to use one pan to cook everything. This breakfast skillet starts with bacon. You then use the same pan (with or without the grease) to cook the vegetables. Everything seasoning and Himalayan sea salt are flavorful seasonings that are made with the eggs which you throw on top after the onions have been caramelized and the peppers cooked. Finish with melting some cheese on top at the end and it is sure to impress whoever you may be with. 

A breakfast skillet with eggs, bacon, cheese, onions, and peppers is sure to hit the spot! While it may not be the healthiest option out there, each ingredient has its own unique benefits to offer. Eggs provide protein and brain-boosting nutrients, while onions and peppers are chock-full of antioxidants to help keep your body strong and healthy. And who can resist the crispy, salty goodness of bacon? Just be sure to enjoy this breakfast skillet in moderation, and consider swapping in some turkey bacon and adding in extra veggies for an extra boost of nutrition. So fire up that skillet, and enjoy a delicious and satisfying start to your day 


Breakfast Skillet Recipe

Total Time: 20 minutes               Serves: 1-2 



  • 3 strips of Bacon
  • 3 free-range eggs
  • 1/2 of avocado
  • 1/4 of an onion
  • 1/4 of a peppers
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp pepper
  • 1 tsp everything seasoning (or Lawry’s seasoning) 
  • Organic Valley Cheese

Preparation & Ingredient Tips

  1. Begin by placing the bacon in a pan and cooking.
  2. Chop the onion and peppers into little pieces.
  3. Once the bacon is cooked place on to dish and remove some of the oil. 
  4. Using the same pan, over the leftover grease, place the chopped onions and chopped peppers on top.
  5. In a bowl mix the raw eggs and milk (or water to avoid the dairy). Add the Himalayan sea salt, pepper, and Everything Seasoning.
  6. Once the onions and peppers are cooked place the eggs on top.
  7. Stir occasionally to make scrambled eggs.
  8. Once the eggs are cooked you can throw a little cheese on top to melt it. 
  9. Empty the eggs onto a plate, place bacon on side (or chop up and mix in eggs), sliced the avocado, and enjoy!