Celery Juice Recipe

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Celery Juice Benefits

Looking for a simple and delicious way to boost your health and improve your wellbeing? Look no further than celery juice! 

This refreshing and nutritious beverage is loaded with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making it a true superfood for your body. Whether you’re looking to boost your immune system, improve your digestion, or promote healthy weight loss, celery juice has got you covered. 

Plus, with its natural anti-inflammatory properties and ability to support cardiovascular health, this green juice is a must-try for anyone looking to prioritize their wellbeing.

How To Make Celery Juice

Total Time: 10 minutes               Serves: 1 



  • 1 large bunch of celery
  • 1 cup of water

Preparation & Ingredient Tips

  1. Wash the celery thoroughly under running water and trim off any brown or wilted parts.
  2. Cut the celery into small pieces and place them in a blender or juicer.
  3. Add the cup of water to the blender or juicer and blend or juice the celery until it is smooth and well combined.
  4. Strain the juice through a fine mesh sieve to remove any remaining bits of celery.
  5. Serve the celery juice immediately, or chill it in the fridge for a refreshing, hydrating drink.
  6. Enjoy the health benefits of celery juice, including improved digestion, reduced inflammation, and increased hydration. 
Benefits of