Kimchi Recipe

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What Is Kimchi?

Looking for a delicious and healthy way to add some flavor to your meals? Look no further than this homemade Korean Napa Cabbage Kimchi recipe! Packed with fresh, nutritious ingredients like Napa cabbage, Korean white radish, scallions, garlic, ginger, and Himalayan sea salt, this tangy and spicy condiment is not only incredibly flavorful but also loaded with health benefits.

Napa cabbage, the main ingredient in this recipe, is a nutrient-rich vegetable that is low in calories and high in fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. The Korean white radish and scallions add extra nutrients and flavors to the dish, while the garlic and ginger provide powerful anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties. The chili powder and fish sauce give this recipe its signature spicy and savory flavor, while the Himalayan sea salt helps to enhance the overall taste and texture of the dish.

But that’s not all! Kimchi is also known for its probiotic benefits, as it contains beneficial bacteria that can aid digestion and promote gut health. So not only is this Korean Napa Cabbage Kimchi recipe delicious and satisfying, but it’s also a great way to support your overall health and wellness.

Whether you enjoy it as a side dish, a condiment, or a snack, this homemade kimchi is sure to be a hit with your taste buds and your body.

Best Kimchi Recipe

Total Time: 4-5 Days               Serves: 8-10 



  • 1 large Napa Cabbage
  • 1/2 cup Korean White Radish
  • 1/4 cup Scallions, finely chopped
  • 1/2 cup coarse Himalayan Sea Salt
  • 2 tbsp Minced Garlic
  • 1/2 cup Chili Powder
  • 1 tbsp Minced Ginger
  • 3 tbsp Sugar
  • 1 tsp Fish Sauce
  • 1/2 cup water

Preparation & Ingredient Tips

  1. Cut the Napa cabbage into quarters lengthwise, then chop each quarter into 2-inch pieces.
  2. Rinse the cabbage pieces thoroughly under cold running water and drain in a colander.
  3. In a large mixing bowl, combine the Napa cabbage and 1/2 cup of coarse Himalayan Sea Salt. Mix well, making sure that all the cabbage pieces are coated with the salt. Let it sit for about 2 hours, turning the cabbage occasionally.
  4. After 2 hours, rinse the cabbage under cold running water to remove any excess salt.
  5. In a separate mixing bowl, combine the minced garlic, chili powder, minced ginger, sugar, fish sauce, and water. Mix well to form a paste.
  6. Add the Korean white radish and scallions to the spice paste and mix well.
  7. Add the spice paste mixture to the cabbage and mix well, making sure that all the cabbage pieces are coated with the paste.
  8. Pack the cabbage mixture tightly into a large glass jar or airtight container.
  9. Let the jar sit at room temperature for 1-2 days, depending on your preference for fermentation time.
  10. After 1-2 days, transfer the jar to the refrigerator to slow down the fermentation process. The kimchi can be consumed immediately or left to age in the refrigerator for up to a month. Enjoy!
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